About Me

Hello! You can call me Kylan, I am 17 yo, I am a Junior Developer since 2020, Minecraft Bedrock Map Maker since 2022, and Minecraft Bedrock Addon Maker since 2023. I can coding in JavaScript, PHP, Python. My native language is Indonesian, my second language is English, I also have studied Japanese.

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Important News

July 06, 2024

I have officially retired as a Pocketmine-MP Developer

On June 15, 2024, I announced that I would retire as a Pocketmine-MP developer in the near future. I started my career as a Pocketmine-MP developer as a way to occupy my spare time. I didn't know if this would become my permanent career until now. Based on my experience, I built a Minecraft Bedrock server, but I didn't continue with it and ended up closing it recently.
What an interesting journey it has been for me. I got to know many friends through being a Pocketmine-MP developer and even made friends with several quite famous developers. Unfortunately, the developers I knew also quit.
When PM5 was released, I had fewer friends and they had their own busy lives. I started to wonder, do I still deserve to be here? There were many reasons for me to retire as a Pocketmine-MP developer: I was busy in the real world, I didn't follow the developments, many friends had retired before me, and other reasons I couldn't explain.
And today, July 6, 2024, I have officially retired from Pocketmine-MP. I will no longer be part of the Pocketmine-MP-Plugin developers community.
I want to clarify that this does not signify the downfall of Pocketmine-MP; many existing and new developers will continue to develop Pocketmine-MP.
Thank you to all partners who have supported me until now, especially my friends who always supported me. Thank you, Pocketmine-MP, for four wonderful years. These four years were very valuable to me because I was able to find new friends and explore new worlds. Always keep your spirits up, existing and new developers.
P.S. I will archive my plugin publicly for those of you who want to download it via my Github. However, if there is a mistake, I will not be responsible for it.

See all news here